• What Role Should Vidal Blanc Play in the Future of Maryland Wine?

    written by Aaron Menenberg for The Cork Report

    “There is a tension in the Maryland wine market. On one hand, consumers want the wines they know – Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay and the Vitis vinifera like – while on the other hand, Maryland doesn’t necessarily produce versions of these varieties that meet consumer expectation.

    Early last year, I had a Vidal made by Maryland producer Crow Vineyards that blew away my expectations for the variety. Unlike many other white vinifera varieties, Vidal is a good grape for the state’s challenging and varied climate, and when made like a serious wine it can, brace yourself, be a serious wine.”

    To read the full article click here.


  • Spotlight on Crow’s 2014 Barbera

    Photo: loblolly.biz

    It has always been our intention to share with the public our sincere expression of who we are as local Kent County grape growers, and to create the best Maryland wine we can make.  We chose Barbera as it is known in the Piedmont area of Italy as the “Farmer’s grape” and the Barbera wine is enjoyed at dinner.  As farmers who enjoy growing Grass-fed Angus beef, we felt that the Barbera grape was a good choice for us to grow.  As visitors come to our farm and tasting room they are not sure if they want to try the Barbera, as it has a soft color, and once we encourage them to just give it a try they are blown away with the floral nose and the delightful flavor.

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