Media Info

In this section you can quickly get key facts, peruse media photos and download pdf documents about Crow Vineyard & Winery and our farm.


Send us an email via our Contact Form
or contact Judy Crow at:
12441 Vansant Corner Rd. Kennedyville, MD. 21645
Phone: 410.648.5687 | Website:


  • Read about our commitment to excellence: download our CROW BRAND MISSION
  • Visit our BLOG for news and press releases
  • Visit our Gallery for MEDIA PHOTOS or if you see a photo on our website you would like to use email us and we’ll provide a hi res file of it.  (note: contact us about required photo credit*)
  • Visit “Our Story” scroll down to view our HISTORY TIMELINE
  • Track our award-winning wines via our AWARD HISTORY

*The photography on this site is created by Loblolly Productions unless otherwise noted. We thank our photography partners as they create the essence of our brand.


  • Crow Farm is a 365 acre working farm that has been in the Crow family for three generations
  • Crow Vineyard & Winery is located on our farm on Maryland’s Eastern Shore
  • Crow is located roughly 1.5 to two hours drive from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington D.C.
  • A visit is just a 15 minute drive from historic Chestertown and 20 minute drive from historic Chesapeake City
  • We are open year round to visitors except for major holidays
  • We operate a 12 acre vineyard, a state-of-the-art-winery, haybarn, wine tasting events, a year round wine Tasting Room and Farmstay B&B
  • You can purchase our wines in our Tasting Room at select retailers and farmers markets and order current selections online
  • We offer our Crow Grass-fed Angus Beef for sale
  • Just two years after building our state-of-the-art winery the Crow Vidal Blanc received a gold medal at an International Wine Competition


Wake early and help us do some farm chores….let the miniature horses out to pasture, feed the chickens or maybe even assist if a calf is being born!

Our wine Tasting Room was a milk house on the farm which we renovated to give you a bit of authentic farm charm!

Old World wines are often described as tasting lighter, having less alcohol, having higher acidity, and tasting less fruity. New World wines are often described as tasting riper, having higher alcohol, having less acidity, and tasting more fruity. What is our spin on “New World” style wines? A terroir from carefully tilled soils over many generations of farming and careful handling!

Tasting Room, Wine Shop and Farm Grass-fed Angus Beef Store Open Daily 12-5pm. Questions call 302.304.0551 | Tasting Room Info

Please contact us by phone 302.304.0551 or via our Product Interest Form on each product page for questions on our products or to order. Dismiss